Moana Nui : The Pacific Peoples, their Lands and Economies is a three-day summit that is being planned for the second week in November 2011, commencing on November 9th, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Organized by a partnership of scholars, community and political activists and Hawaiian and Pacific Islander cultural practitioners, Moana Nui is intended to provide a voice and possible direction for the economies of Pacific Islands in the era of powerful transnational corporations, global industrial expansion and global climate change.
This conference will issue a challenge to Pacific Island nations and other indigenous communities to look for cooperative ways to strengthen subsistence and to protect cultural properties and natural resources. The timing of this conference is intended to confront the next meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Honolulu, and hopes to call public attention to the critical importance of maintaining sound and productive local economies in the Pacific Islands both for their own sake and food security in the world. Invited speakers will include Native economists, farm and fishery practitioners, advocates for political and economic sovereignty, specialists in media, health, public education, environmental studies, trade and law. The conference will be open to the public and the conveners will seek to facilitate the attendance of practitioners from other Pacific Islands and APEC nations. All of the proceedings will be documented by video and a published collection of the presentations is anticipated.
2011 Moana Nui Shadow Summit
Each session will be lead by experts who will also hold open break-out sessions and working groups. Information will be open and available to the public.
We should clarify, that we aim to challenge further trade liberalization, industrialization, militarization and economic hegemony in the region, and to put forward our concerns for:
1) Pacific Island economic independence
2) Environmental degradation and resource depletion
3) Demilitarization
At the root of this belief is that indigenous communities are best at stewarding self-determination and environmental conservancy, and that investor-state negotiations do not have the best interest of peoples and the environment, particularly native and indigenous peoples.
Embracing these principles, we aim to explore ways that Pacific peoples can work in solidarity against trade hegemony, and that further dialogue might blossom with other first peoples outside the formal structures of governments, NGOs and IGOs .
Please note that the dates, program and venue are still subject to draft changes.
For further discussion and information, find us on facebook at Moana Nui or contact arnie@imipono.org